A free Joomla! event, supporting users and developers of all abilities
Our monthly meetup helps Joomla! users to improve their Joomla! knowledge and skill.
Next JUGL meetup:
Guest Speaker: TBA
Topic: TBA
2nd Speaker: TBA
Topic: TBA
Monthly JUG Meetup
%19:%Dec to %21:%Dec
Intro text not used
Join us for this year's penultimate JUG meetup and boy is it a doozy! This month we welcome the saviours of J2Store and new owners of J2commerce:
Adam Melcher & Olivier Buisard who will discuss what’s been done, what’s to come, and why it matters to you.
Olivier and Adam take us on their wild journey since the J2Store fork as they discuss the recent updates, the future of J2Commerce, and why they are excited about the future of Joomla ecommerce.
...and we're not done there, in a related matter, we have Roland Dalmulder discussing Data processing with his tool RO CSVI
Nowadays we deal with a lot of data, whether it is a site migration, webshop, lists of all kinds, the possibilities keep going on. In this presentation I will show some of the unique features of RO CSVI that you can use to make your life easier. Imports, exports, cronjobs it is all possible with RO CSVI. Think about data manipulation on the fly so you can fit that product file into your webshop or during export to make that export file readable end editable for humans.
The time is from 19:00 UTC (19:00 GMT) Tuesday, 19th November, until 21:00 UTC ( 21:00 GMT)
19:00 - Introductions and chit-chat and News
19:15 - Adam Melcher, Olivier Buisard - J2Store to J2Commerce
20:00 - Questions
20:15 - Roland Dalmulder
20:45 - Questions
21:00 - Fireside chat, news, social etc…
We look forward to seeing you there.
You can ping us on Twitter @joomlalondon
You are also welcome to join the Joomla community on Mattermost here: https://joom.la/chat then message Philip Walton from the search bar to get meeting details.
Youtube channel for vids of previous talks:
All our meetings are now online (thanks Covid-19)
Please check event details for more info.
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